
Morning Digest: U.S. pledges to keep funding Afghans amid calls for slower pullout

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U.S. pledges to keep funding Afghans amid calls for slower pullout
CAMP DAVID, Md. (Reuters) - The United States assured Afghanistan's leaders on Monday it would keep funding Afghan security forces at a targeted peak level of 352,000 personnel at least into 2017 to provide stability as foreign troops withdraw from the country..
Islamic State recruits 400 children since January: Syria monitor
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State has recruited at least 400 children in Syria in the past three months and given these so-called "Cubs of the Caliphate" military training and hardline indoctrination, a monitoring group said on Tuesday..
Strong euro zone business data sends euro, shares higher
LONDON (Reuters) - The euro rose and European shares edged up on Tuesday, responding to signs the euro zone economy is gaining momentum, while a slowdown in factory activity in China kept oil and commodities-linked assets under pressure..
Angelina Jolie has ovaries removed over cancer concern
(Reuters) - Oscar-winning film star Angelina Jolie said she has had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to avoid the risk of ovarian cancer, the disease that killed her mother at the age of 56..
Ex-NFL star Sharper admits to sexual assaults in California, Arizona
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former NFL star Darren Sharper admitted in court on Monday to drugging and raping women in California and Arizona and was expected to plead guilty in similar Nevada and Louisiana cases in plea deals prosecutors say will land him in prison for at least nine years..
India's top court upholds free speech on the Internet
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India's top court struck down a law on Tuesday that gave authorities powers to jail people for offensive online posts, a verdict hailed as a victory for free speech in the world's largest growth market for the Internet..
U.S., SpaceX focus on second stage engine to wrap up certification
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force said on Monday it was on track to certify privately held SpaceX to launch U.S. military and spy satellites by June, with the final efforts focused on qualifying the second stage engine and structure of its Falcon 9 rocket..
Lack of orange juice leads Louisiana man to shoot son in buttocks
(Reuters) - A Louisiana man was in custody on Monday after shooting his 18-year-old son in the buttocks during a fight about orange juice, police said..
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