
Reuters Morning Digest: December 25, 2015

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Friday, December 25, 2015
Death sentence for Myanmar men prompts protest at 'shameless' Thais
YANGON/BANGKOK (Reuters) - Hundreds called for the release of two Myanmar migrant workers in a protest in Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city, on Friday, a day after a Thai court sentenced the two to death for the 2014 murders of two young British tourists.
Death toll unclear in Nigerian gas plant explosion
ONITSHA, Nigeria (Reuters) - The death toll from an explosion at a gas plant in southern Nigeria was unclear on Friday, with reports ranging from below 10 to around 100.
China says AIIB up and running early in the new year
BEIJING (Reuters) - The China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been formally established and is expected to be operational early next year, the official Xinhua news agency said on Friday.
China's controversial new anti-terror law to pass on Sunday
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is set to pass its controversial new anti-terrorism law on Sunday, the largely rubber-stamp parliament said on Friday, despite U.S. criticism about its cyber provisions and concerns over human rights.
Self-driving delivery robots could be Santa's new helper
Fleets of small autonomous robots could soon become a familiar presence on public pathways with the advent of ground-based drones that aim to improve local delivery of goods and groceries. Former Skype co-founders have launched a new company, Starship Technologies, which is preparing to test their self-driving delivery robots in London. The as yet unnamed robots are small, safe, practical and free from CO2 emissions, according to the developers. "When you place your order online, as you do right
Woodson walks out a winner in final home game of his career
(Reuters) - Charles Woodson received his final send-off from the Oakland crowd at the last home game of his career on Thursday night and celebrated the occasion with a Raiders' win.
California governor pardons Robert Downey Jr. for '90s drug case
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Thursday pardoned "Iron Man" film star Robert Downey Jr. for drug and weapons offenses during the 1990s, a largely symbolic gesture that leaves the actor's criminal record intact but restores his right to serve on a jury.
Austrian radio jockey punished for playing 'Last Christmas' 24 times
VIENNA (Reuters) - An Austrian radio station has punished one of its moderators after he locked himself in the studio only to play the song 'Last Christmas', a cult hit from the 1980s by British band Wham!, 24 times in a row.
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