
Reuters Morning Digest: December 3, 2015

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Thursday, December 3, 2015
British bombers make first air strikes on Syria after UK parliament vote
AKROTIRI, Cyprus/LONDON (Reuters) - British bombers made their first strikes on Syria on Thursday, just hours after Britain's parliament voted to target Islamic State targets in Syria, a government source said.
GE in talks to sell its commercial lending and leasing business in Germany, France
(Reuters) - GE said on Thursday it had signed a memorandum of understanding with Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel (BFCM) for the potential sale of its Equipment Finance and Receivable Finance businesses in France and Germany.
U.S., China reach agreement on guidelines for requesting assistance fighting cyber crime
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The United States and China have reached an agreement on guidelines for requesting assistance on cyber crime or other malicious cyber activities, the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday.
Vega rocket blasts off with gravity-hunting satellite
BERLIN (Reuters) - A Vega rocket bearing a European prototype satellite blasted into space early on Thursday on a mission to search for ripples in space and across time, a phenomenon predicted but never proven by physicist Albert Einstein 100 years ago.
South Africa's Supreme Court finds Oscar Pistorius guilty of murder
BLOEMFONTEIN (Reuters) - Paralympian Oscar Pistorius' conviction for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp has been scaled up to murder from culpable homicide by South Africa's top appeals court
Weird prehistoric beast conjures up images of 'Star Wars' queen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - What does a strange giraffe-like animal with three horns atop its head and a set of fangs that roamed Europe about 15 million years ago have in common with a pretty young queen from the "Star Wars" movies?
Singer Morrissey's debut novel wins 'Bad Sex' prize
LONDON (Reuters) - British pop singer Morrissey's debut novel, "List of the Lost", won the award for the worst sex scene of the year on Tuesday for a passage in which two characters roll together into "one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation".
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Carson in Jordan: God bless and keep the Syrians – far away from us
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