
Reuters Morning Digest: December 30, 2015

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Republicans come up short in search for diverse voters in 2016 election
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ten months before the United States elects a new president, the Republican Party has yet to resolve a problem that its leaders said contributed to Mitt Romney's 2012 loss to Barack Obama: a lack of support among Hispanic and younger voters.
Putin's son-in-law boosted by $1.75 billion Russian state loan
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The son-in-law of Vladimir Putin stands to benefit from $1.75 billion in cheap finance from the Russian state, a Reuters examination of public documents shows. The money will help fund a petrochemical project at a company in which Kirill Shamalov, husband of Katerina Tikhonova, the Russian president's younger daughter, has a significant interest.
Brent oil prices retreat toward 11-year lows
LONDON (Reuters) - Brent crude oil slid back toward 11-year lows on Wednesday as indications of slowing global energy demand bumped up against record-high inventories.
Twitter clarifies rules on banned content, abusive behavior
(Reuters) - Twitter Inc has clarified its definition of abusive behavior that will prompt it to delete accounts, banning "hateful conduct" that promotes violence against specific groups.
India test-fires long range surface-to-air missile developed with Israel
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India successfully test-fired on Wednesday a new long range surface-to-air missile capable of countering aerial threats at extended ranges, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi pushes to enhance the country's military capabilities.
Woods turns 40, still three wins shy of Snead's 82
(Reuters) - As Tiger Woods celebrates his 40th birthday on Wednesday, he must be struck by the fact that time stands still for no one and he will face a different golfing landscape when, or if, he returns to competition in 2016.
'Glee' star arrested on suspicion of possessing child porn
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Mark Salling, star of the hit television show "Glee," was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of possessing child pornography, the Los Angeles Police Department said.
Woman who won lottery during divorce can keep it all - Dutch court
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A woman who won a 2.1 million euro ($2.3 million) lottery prize during a divorce has no obligation to share it with her ex-husband, according to a Dutch court decision published on Tuesday.
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