
Reuters Morning Digest: December 28, 2015

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Monday, December 28, 2015
Iraq says forces raise flag above government complex in Ramadi
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's military flew the Iraqi flag above the central government complex in city of Ramadi, a military spokesman said on Monday, the morning after the army declared the city captured in its first major victory over Islamic State fighters.
About 20 killed in mosque bombing in northern Nigerian city
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - About 20 people were killed and 90 wounded by a bomb explosion in a mosque in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Monday, the state emergency agency NEMA said.
Volkswagen's Audi tempers spending plans for 2016
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Volkswagen's flagship Audi division reined in its spending plans for 2016 and delayed the construction of a new wind tunnel on Monday, after the German carmaking group was hit by a scandal over rigged emissions tests.
Paranoid: North Korea's computer operating system mirrors its political one
SINGAPORE/SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea's homegrown computer operating system mirrors its political one, according to two German researchers who have delved into the code: a go-it-alone approach, a high degree of paranoia and invasive snooping on users.
Self-driving delivery robots could be Santa's new helper
Fleets of small autonomous robots could soon become a familiar presence on public pathways with the advent of ground-based drones that aim to improve local delivery of goods and groceries. Former Skype co-founders have launched a new company, Starship Technologies, which is preparing to test their self-driving delivery robots in London. The as yet unnamed robots are small, safe, practical and free from CO2 emissions, according to the developers. "When you place your order online, as you do right
Vikings rout Giants to clinch playoff berth
(Reuters) - The Minnesota Vikings clinched their first playoff berth since 2012 on Sunday and set up an NFC North division title game next week following a blowout win over the New York Giants.
'Star Wars' crosses $1 billion globally at record pace
LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) - "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" showed few signs of flagging over Christmas weekend, barreling past the $1 billion mark globally at a faster clip than any film in history.
Austrian radio jockey punished for playing 'Last Christmas' 24 times
VIENNA (Reuters) - An Austrian radio station has punished one of its moderators after he locked himself in the studio only to play the song 'Last Christmas', a cult hit from the 1980s by British band Wham!, 24 times in a row.
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