
Reuters Technology Report: April 21, 2015

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Yahoo's revenue drops 4 percent, misses estimates
(Reuters) - Yahoo Inc reported first-quarter revenue below analysts' estimates as the veteran internet company struggles to rev up its core online advertising business.
Google lobbying spending reached new high in early 2015
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Google Inc , already one of Washington's biggest spenders, set a company record for its lobbying activity in the first quarter of 2015 when it spent $5.5 million, according to a government database.
New York's Infor says reaches deal to resell software in Cuba
HAVANA (Reuters) - New York City-based software company Infor has identified a Cuban partner and reached an agreement to resell software in Cuba, Chief Executive Officer Charles Phillips said on Tuesday.
Uber complies with German ban on unlicensed cab drivers
BERLIN (Reuters) - Online taxi firm Uber will comply with a German ban on its services using unlicensed cab drivers by lowering its fees so it becomes more like a ride sharing service.
Mosaic aims to bring color to cheap 3D printers
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian tech start-up Mosaic is putting color into low-end 3D printers in a move to make the technology more accessible for everything from architectural modeling to medical training.
Broadcom profit beats as demand rises from smartphone makers
(Reuters) - Wireless chip maker Broadcom Inc reported higher-than-expected quarterly revenue and profit, helped by strong sales of its WiFi and broadband chips to handset makers such as Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
Nokia bets software revolution will help avoid past merger errors
PARIS/HELSINKI/STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Nokia's acquisition of smaller rival Alcatel-Lucent may avoid the pitfalls that befell earlier telecom network equipment marriages, thanks to a revolution over the past decade in how products are launched and developed.
BlackBerry to buy WatchDox to bolster data security
TORONTO (Reuters) - BlackBerry Ltd said on Tuesday it is acquiring privately-held U.S. tech company WatchDox, which makes software that secures files for clients ranging from private equity firms to Hollywood studios, in a bid to boost its security offerings.
EU Google probe encourages investors in Russia competitor Yandex
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The European Union's antitrust probe into Google sparked a big rally in Russian search engine Yandex NV last week, even though the "Russian Google" still faces significant challenges, competitive and otherwise.
Verizon profit beats estimates as more users sign up
(Reuters) - Verizon Communications Inc's quarterly profit beat analysts' expectations, helped by higher net addition of postpaid subscribers as users added more devices to data plans.
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