
Friday Morning Briefing: Black Friday isn't what it used to be

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Migrants are leaving Central America en masse to try to reach the United States before President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January. Already alarmed by Trump’s tough campaign rhetoric and hard line on immigration, migrants in countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are now being pushed by smugglers to fast-forward their plans to leave for the U.S.


In other politics news:

Digit of the day


$1 billion


Remember the long lines and apocalyptic scenes of shoppers bargain-hunting at the mall on Black Friday? Well, it looks like those images might soon become memories for U.S. consumers who now favor online shopping over wrestling for items in crowded stores. On Thanksgiving, online spending by U.S. bargain hunters climbed to above $1 billion, surging almost 14 percent from a year ago.

Around the country


Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade


Sinclair Oil's Dino balloon is carried down Central Park West. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

Around the world

  • A Turkish soldier was killed and five wounded in clashes with Islamic State in northern Syria, the military said, as Turkish-backed rebels pressed an offensive to take the city of al-Bab from the radical jihadist group. A U.S. soldier also lost his life in Syria after being wounded in an improvised explosive device blast in the north of the country.
  •  A Donald Trump presidency does not mean the United States will withdraw from the South China Sea, but rather will continue pursuing "regional hegemony", according to Chinese academics who drafted a report for an influential government think tank.
  • Police are hunting for a suspect after finding a woman dead in a retirement home in southern France where some 60 Catholic missionaries live, but a prosecutor said they have ruled out any link “with Islamist terrorism.”
  • At least 36 people were killed when two passenger trains collided in Iran's north-central province of Semnan and the death toll is likely to rise, the provincial governor said.

 Around Wall Street



Today’s reason to live


D’Angelo – Brown Sugar

