
Morning Digest: Jubilation as first of Chile's 33 miners rescued

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Good Morning Bit, WED 13 Oct 2010 
Jubilation as first of Chile's 33 miners rescued
Afghan firms "pay off Taliban with foreign cash"
Stock futures point to higher open on Wall Street
Microsoft issues its biggest-ever security fix
Brazil eyes microchips in trees for forest management
Favre tight-lipped about investigation that threatens streak
Man arrested at Paris Hilton's home
Dogs can be optimistic or pessimistic?

Jubilation as first of Chile's 33 miners rescued
October 13, 2010 05:17 AM ET
COPIAPO, Chile (Reuters) - The first of Chile's 33 trapped miners were hoisted to safety in a capsule barely wider than a man's shoulders on Wednesday, cheering, punching the air and hugging their families after two months deep underground.

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Afghan firms "pay off Taliban with foreign cash"
October 13, 2010 04:20 AM ET
KABUL (Reuters) - Cash from the U.S. military and international donors destined for construction and welfare projects in restive parts of Afghanistan is ending up in the hands of insurgents, a contractor and village elders said.

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Stock futures point to higher open on Wall Street
October 13, 2010 05:14 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a higher open for Wall Street on Wednesday, boosted by growing expectations of further quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and an upbeat forecast from technology firm Intel .

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Microsoft issues its biggest-ever security fix
October 12, 2010 05:39 PM ET
BOSTON (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp issued its biggest-ever security fix on Tuesday, including repairs to its ubiquitous Windows operating system and Internet browser for flaws that could let hackers take control of a PC.

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Brazil eyes microchips in trees for forest management
October 11, 2010 03:00 PM ET
NOVA MUTUM, Brazil (Reuters) - A chainsaw buzzes, branches snap, and an Amazon tree crashes to the ground.

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Favre tight-lipped about investigation that threatens streak
October 12, 2010 08:13 PM ET
EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey (Reuters) - Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre has built a reputation as one of the toughest players in the NFL, playing almost 300 games in a row without succumbing to injury.

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Man arrested at Paris Hilton's home
October 12, 2010 10:27 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A man was arrested outside the home of celebrity socialite Paris Hilton on Tuesday, the second such incident in under two months.

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Dogs can be optimistic or pessimistic?
October 12, 2010 11:47 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - If your dog destroys the furniture when you are away, it could be a pessimist, researchers have concluded.

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