
Technology Report: Facebook apps leak user information: report

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Good afternoon Bit, MON 18 Oct 2010 
Facebook apps leak user information: report
Apple's earnings to showcase one-two punch
Terrorism, cyber attacks top UK security threats
Venture capitalists set sights on Hollywood
Firms lose more to electronic than physical theft
Televisa still eyes mobile phone option in Mexico
Gartner sees soft growth in enterprise IT spending
Somali militants ban mobile money transfers
RIM starts new Mideast services after escaping UAE ban
Pentagon braces for huge WikiLeaks dump on Iraq war

Facebook apps leak user information: report
October 18, 2010 06:54 AM ET
(Reuters) - Facebook users are inadvertently providing access to their names and in some cases even their friend's names to advertising and Internet tracking companies, through some popular applications, the Wall Street Journal said.

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Apple's earnings to showcase one-two punch
October 18, 2010 09:22 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc should affirm that its six-month-old iPad tablet computer is selling well despite a shaky consumer market, while the iPhone continues to fend off a strong challenge from rival Google Inc.

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Terrorism, cyber attacks top UK security threats
October 18, 2010 02:20 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Cyber attacks, terrorism, inter-state conflict and natural disasters are the top threats to British security, officials said on Monday, before a major military review expected to usher deep defense spending cuts.

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Venture capitalists set sights on Hollywood
October 18, 2010 03:08 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Silicon Valley financiers got the Hollywood treatment in "Social Network," the new film about Facebook, but the courtship between the technology and entertainment hubs has heated up with venture capital deal values in Los Angeles nearly doubling this year.

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Firms lose more to electronic than physical theft
October 18, 2010 08:29 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Companies for the first time report they are losing more through electronic theft of data than physical stealing of assets, risk consultancy Kroll said on Monday in an annual report on international fraud trends.

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Televisa still eyes mobile phone option in Mexico
October 18, 2010 12:40 PM ET
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico's leading broadcaster Televisa may explore new deals to tap the mobile phone business in Mexico after parting ways with NII Holdings' Nextel unit, a company source told Reuters.

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Gartner sees soft growth in enterprise IT spending
October 18, 2010 12:19 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Global enterprise spending on information technology should increase 3.1 percent in 2011, industry tracker Gartner said on Monday, as it predicted "timid" growth over the next five years.

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Somali militants ban mobile money transfers
October 18, 2010 12:24 PM ET
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A Somali rebel group has banned the transfer and receipt of cash by mobile phone, a move the government said would stifle the economy and hurt entrepreneurs in a country where few hold bank accounts.

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RIM starts new Mideast services after escaping UAE ban
October 18, 2010 07:31 AM ET
DUBAI (Reuters) - Blackberry maker Research In Motion has launched new Middle East services after resolving a row with the United Arab Emirates over data security.

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Pentagon braces for huge WikiLeaks dump on Iraq war
October 18, 2010 10:47 AM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Sunday it had a 120-member team prepared to review a massive leak of as many as 500,000 Iraq war documents, which are expected to be released by the WikiLeaks website sometime this month.

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