
Technology Report: Microsoft new phones win favorable reaction

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Good afternoon Bit, MON 11 Oct 2010 
Microsoft new phones win favorable reaction
Microsoft smartphones might not lure video gamers
Schwarzenegger leads U.S. tech investors to Russia
Brazil eyes microchips in trees for forest management
Radvision signs pact with Microsoft
Ascent Solar passes key reliability test, shares soar
Google testing car that drives itself
Social gaming sector braces for deal wave
Hip-hop videogame aims to catch fire by going social

Microsoft new phones win favorable reaction
October 11, 2010 04:34 PM ET
SEATTLE/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp's last-ditch attempt to make an impact on the fast-growing market for multi-featured "smartphones" won favorable early reviews on Monday, but success will hinge on how well the phones are marketed against Apple Inc and Google Inc, analysts said.

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Microsoft smartphones might not lure video gamers
October 11, 2010 03:51 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp's plan to offer its Xbox Live games service on its new smartphones may not be enough to woo even the most avid video gamers to its latest attempt to stay relevant in the mobile phone business.

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Schwarzenegger leads U.S. tech investors to Russia
October 11, 2010 12:24 PM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's ambition to become a hi-tech economy will be under scrutiny this week when California state governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a host of prospective investors from Silicon Valley look for opportunities at the country's flagship technology hub.

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Brazil eyes microchips in trees for forest management
October 11, 2010 03:00 PM ET
NOVA MUTUM, Brazil (Reuters) - A chainsaw buzzes, branches snap, and an Amazon tree crashes to the ground.

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Radvision signs pact with Microsoft
October 11, 2010 10:12 AM ET
BANGALORE (Reuters) - Israel-based video and telecommunications company Radvision Ltd said it signed a deal with Microsoft to provide video conferencing systems, sending its shares up as much as 8 percent.

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Ascent Solar passes key reliability test, shares soar
October 11, 2010 11:28 AM ET
Bangalore (Reuters) - Ascent Solar Technologies Inc, a developer of thin-film photovoltaic modules, said it passed a key performance and long-term reliability test that would give it larger market opportunities, pushing its shares to a 26-week high.

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Google testing car that drives itself
October 10, 2010 03:54 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Google Inc, the world's largest Internet search engine, has been tinkering with engines of another sort and come up with some futuristic results -- a car that drives itself.

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Social gaming sector braces for deal wave
October 10, 2010 12:57 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Gentlemen, start your engines: the fledgling social gaming industry is revving up for a new wave of acquisitions and consolidation this coming year.

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Hip-hop videogame aims to catch fire by going social
October 10, 2010 01:35 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Rapper Lil Wayne may still be behind bars on gun charges, but that hasn't stopped developers of videogame "Def Jam Rapstar" from launching an interactive karaoke game featuring him and other hip-hop stars.

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