
Technology Report: Apple touts iPad-inspired Mac laptop

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Good afternoon Bit, WED 20 Oct 2010 
Apple touts iPad-inspired Mac laptop
Pentagon seeks tight ties with cyber contractors
Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad
Electronic Arts to buy "Angry Birds" game publisher
Telecom Italia to offer high-speed mobile service
RIM's Balsillie responds to barbs from Apple's Jobs
Turkcell forced to call off board meeting
Telcos scramble for piece of booming Saudi market
Yahoo disappoints on revenue forecast
TomTom broadens revenue stream

Apple touts iPad-inspired Mac laptop
October 20, 2010 04:14 PM ET
CUPERTINO, California (Reuters) - Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the thinnest, lightest Mac laptop yet with features borrowed from iPhones and iPads, hoping to grab more market share from Microsoft Corp's Windows PCs.

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Pentagon seeks tight ties with cyber contractors
October 20, 2010 01:36 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Defense Department aims to tighten ties with its cyber security contractors to help thwart mounting threats to sensitive networks, the Pentagon's top official for cyber policy said Wednesday.

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Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad
October 20, 2010 12:17 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Verizon Wireless, the No. 1 U.S. mobile service, plans to sell Samsung Electronics's Galaxy Tab for $30 less than Apple Inc's iPad, but analysts say the new tablet computer is priced too high.

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Electronic Arts to buy "Angry Birds" game publisher
October 20, 2010 03:05 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Electronic Arts said it plans to buy the publisher of "Angry Birds," one of the most popular games on Apple's iPhone, pushing the second largest U.S. video game publisher deeper into the hot mobile games market.

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Telecom Italia to offer high-speed mobile service
October 20, 2010 11:52 AM ET
MILAN (Reuters) - Telecom Italia unveiled on Wednesday a new service as part of plans to upgrade its mobile network, amid calls by Italy's telecom regulator for more investment and rival plans to boost mobile broadband coverage.

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RIM's Balsillie responds to barbs from Apple's Jobs
October 19, 2010 05:56 PM ET
TORONTO (Reuters) - Research In Motion's Jim Balsillie on Tuesday brushed off Steve Jobs' critique of RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook tablet computer, saying the Apple CEO's barbs made no sense outside of his company's "distortion field."

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Turkcell forced to call off board meeting
October 20, 2010 11:54 AM ET
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkcell, Turkey's biggest cellphone operator which is involved in a legal dispute over control, on Wednesday canceled an extraordinary board meeting at which it had been expected to change members because a government official failed to appear.

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Telcos scramble for piece of booming Saudi market
October 20, 2010 10:01 AM ET
RIYADH (Reuters) - Khalid al-Khulaif has several phones and six computers at home but he's still in the market for more. It's the Saudi way, and it's the reason companies are scrambling for a piece of the Gulf Arab region's biggest market.

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Yahoo disappoints on revenue forecast
October 20, 2010 03:07 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Yahoo's uninspiring quarterly sales forecast disappointed Wall Street and underscored how the one-time Internet leader is struggling to keep up with Google and Facebook.

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TomTom broadens revenue stream
October 20, 2010 06:09 AM ET
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch navigation device maker TomTom said on Wednesday it was broadening its revenue base faced with competition from free navigation on smartphones and declined to comment on possible takeover bids.

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