
Technology Report: Hard drive makers face challenge from tablets

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Good afternoon Bit, MON 04 Oct 2010 
Hard drive makers face challenge from tablets
Verizon Wireless to pay refunds for billing errors
LG Elec says Android 2.2-based tablet plan dropped
Disney names two execs to head digital business
Microsoft hopes to bury iPhone, Android
Facebook movie underscores cultural phenomenon
Microsoft sues Motorola over Android phones
New HP CEO fails to rouse investors, shares slide
Cyber Command slips behind schedule

Hard drive makers face challenge from tablets
October 04, 2010 01:20 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hard drive makers like Seagate Technology and Western Digital Corp could experience slower growth as more and more consumers swap PCs for tablets, but they shouldn't be counted out.

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Verizon Wireless to pay refunds for billing errors
October 03, 2010 07:55 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Verizon Wireless in a statement Sunday said it will pay millions of dollars in refunds to 15 million cell phone customers who were erroneously charged for data sessions or Internet use.

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LG Elec says Android 2.2-based tablet plan dropped
October 04, 2010 03:39 AM ET
SEOUL (Reuters) - LG Electronics Inc said on Monday that it had scrapped a plan to launch a tablet computer based on Google Inc's Android 2.2 operation system known as "Froyo," a decision that may delay the rollout of its first tablet PC slated for next quarter.

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Disney names two execs to head digital business
October 03, 2010 05:53 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Walt Disney Co on Sunday appointed two digital veterans to lead its loss-making stable of Internet properties, underscoring a renewed focus on developing digital businesses.

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Microsoft hopes to bury iPhone, Android
October 02, 2010 10:17 AM ET
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Last month, a few hundred Microsoft Corp employees acted out their fantasy with a mock funeral for Apple Inc's iPhone at its Redmond, Washington campus.

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Facebook movie underscores cultural phenomenon
October 01, 2010 06:25 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook now counts one of every two Americans as a user, would rank behind only China and India in population if it were a country and has an estimated value of more than $30 billion, larger than that of Starbucks.

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Microsoft sues Motorola over Android phones
October 01, 2010 06:48 PM ET
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp sued Motorola Inc, alleging patent infringement on the handset maker's line of Android phones, in the latest development in a web of legal actions in the evolving smartphone business.

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New HP CEO fails to rouse investors, shares slide
October 01, 2010 08:11 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Hewlett-Packard Co's new CEO failed to impress Wall Street in his first conference call with investors, as doubts persisted as to whether the Silicon Valley outsider has the experience to steer the sprawling company.

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Cyber Command slips behind schedule
October 01, 2010 08:20 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cyber Command, responsible for shielding 15,000 U.S. military networks and for being ready to go to war in cyberspace, has slipped behind schedule for becoming fully operational, the Defense Department said on Friday.

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