
Technology Report: Special Report: Sleepy in Seattle - Microsoft learns to mature

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Good afternoon Bit, WED 27 Oct 2010 
Special Report: Sleepy in Seattle - Microsoft learns to mature
U.S. ends inquiry on Google's Street View data grab
Marilyn Monroe or Johnny Cash? How the brain chooses
MySpace launching new version of website
New research aims at cutting electronics power use
Facebook investor's IPO oversubscribed: sources
Cable, technology, media firms form digital registry
Russia launches rare case against accused spammer
Court shuts down LimeWire music-sharing service
Apple delays white iPhone until next spring

Special Report: Sleepy in Seattle - Microsoft learns to mature
October 27, 2010 10:13 AM ET
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Every July, Microsoft Corp invites a sizable Wall Street crowd to its leafy, low-rise campus outside Seattle. Chief Executive Steve Ballmer and his top managers take a half-day to explain where the world's biggest software company is going, to a generally friendly audience.

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U.S. ends inquiry on Google's Street View data grab
October 27, 2010 03:08 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators looking at Google Inc's data grab by "Street View" cars have decided to end their inquiry, noting improvements that the search company has made to build consumer privacy into its corporate structure.

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Marilyn Monroe or Johnny Cash? How the brain chooses
October 27, 2010 03:53 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Do you like Marilyn Monroe or Johnny Cash better? Researchers in California have homed in on the individual brain cells that help make that choice.

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MySpace launching new version of website
October 27, 2010 07:10 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - MySpace launched a new version of its website centered around music and entertainment, as the social networking company attempts to regain its former appeal in a market it helped create.

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New research aims at cutting electronics power use
October 27, 2010 04:27 AM ET
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Making a cellphone battery last ten times longer is a first target for a large research project that IBM, Infineon and a number of European universities unveiled on Wednesday.

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Facebook investor's IPO oversubscribed: sources
October 27, 2010 11:45 AM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Facebook investor, Mail.Ru Group's initial public offering is up to two times oversubscribed with nearly two weeks left before pricing, financial market sources told Reuters on Wednesday.

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Cable, technology, media firms form digital registry
October 27, 2010 08:30 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Major studios, cable and technology companies on Wednesday announced the launch of an Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) to track movies, TV shows and other assets much the way books are coded.

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Russia launches rare case against accused spammer
October 27, 2010 07:07 AM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has opened a criminal case against a man accused of involvement in a major spamming operation flooding the Internet with advertisements for the anti-impotence drug Viagra, a top Russian daily reported on Wednesday.

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Court shuts down LimeWire music-sharing service
October 27, 2010 05:48 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge on Tuesday granted the music industry's request to shut down the popular LimeWire file-sharing service, which had been found liable for copyright infringement.

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Apple delays white iPhone until next spring
October 27, 2010 10:00 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc said on Tuesday that it would delay release of its eagerly anticipated white iPhone again, this time until next spring.

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