
Morning Digest: Deaths shake Ukraine truce, Poroshenko wary of Russia threat

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Deaths shake Ukraine truce, Poroshenko wary of Russia threat
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine on Friday reported the first deaths in three days in east Ukraine, denting hopes a ceasefire will hold, and President Petro Poroshenko said Russia would pose a "military threat" even if the truce is solid..
Turkish police seal off street outside U.S. consulate, detain suspect
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police on Friday sealed off a street outside the U.S. consulate in Istanbul, a Reuters witness said, and local media reported a suspect had been detained..
Buffett, a cheerleader for America, takes his checkbook abroad
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Warren Buffett, in his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway Inc shareholders last year, called America "the mother lode of opportunity.".
Lupita Nyong'o's $150,000 Oscars dress stolen from hotel
WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (Reuters) - The $150,000 pearl-studded, custom-made Calvin Klein dress worn by Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o at this year's Academy Awards has been stolen, police said on Thursday..
U.S. judge rules for Vikings' Peterson in NFL discipline case
MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday overturned the NFL's suspension of Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, who had pleaded no contest to charges of hitting his son with a switch, and sent the case back to the league's arbitration process for resolution..
School math answers only a scan away with Croatian app
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Damir Sabol, Croatian computer expert and entrepreneur, was helping his son with his maths homework when he had an idea..
Scientists discover black hole so big it contradicts growth theory
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Scientists say they have discovered a black hole so big that it challenges the theory about how they grow..
Today's dialectic: Is that dress white or is it blue?
(Reuters) - Cyberspace was being consumed by an acute philosophical debate on Friday over a picture of a dress many claim is obviously white and gold but others argue just as trenchantly is black and blue..
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