
Morning Digest: Suicide bomb strikes top NATO envoy team in Afghanistan

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Suicide bomb strikes top NATO envoy team in Afghanistan
KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber rammed a car laden with explosives into a vehicle belonging to NATO's top envoy in Afghanistan, killing one Turkish soldier and wounding at least one person, Turkish officials said..
BBC names 'Jihadi John' suspect in Islamic State beheading videos
LONDON (Reuters) - The BBC said on Thursday it had learned that the "Jihadi John" suspect who has featured in several Islamic State beheading videos is Mohammed Emwazi from London..
Bond yields slide further as cheap money reigns
LONDON (Reuters) - German seven-year bond yields fell below zero for the first time ever on Thursday, as investors positioned themselves for an extended era of cheap money ahead of the European Central Bank's looming bond-buying scheme..
Madonna in unscripted plunge steals show at Brit awards
LONDON (Reuters) - Pop diva Madonna's gasp-inducing "wardrobe malfunction" at a star-studded London awards ceremony grabbed British headlines on Thursday along with photos of her falling backwards downstairs tangled in a swirling cape..
On field and off, all eyes on A-Rod at Yankees' spring training
TAMPA, Fla.(Reuters) - New York Yankees fans waited for six hours on Wednesday with baseballs, bats, cards and even a Wheaties box for slugger Alex Rodriguez to autograph in his first week back from a yearlong suspension in one of sport's biggest doping scandals..
Tougher Internet rules to hit cable, telecoms companies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators are poised to impose the toughest rules yet on Internet service providers, aiming to ensure fair treatment of all web traffic through their networks..
Scientists discover black hole so big it contradicts growth theory
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Scientists say they have discovered a black hole so big that it challenges the theory about how they grow..
Shares of South Korean contraceptive makers surge after court scraps adultery ban
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea's highest court on Thursday struck down as unconstitutional a decades-old law banning adultery, triggering a surge in shares of condom makers and morning-after pills..
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