
Morning Digest: Ukrainian forces start to quit besieged town

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Ukrainian forces start to quit besieged town
ARTEMIVSK/KONDRATYEVKA, Ukraine (Reuters) - Government forces started pulling out of a town in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday after a fierce assault by Russian-backed separatists which Europe said violated a crumbling ceasefire..
Greece to submit loan request to euro zone, Germany resists
ATHENS/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Greece will submit a request to the euro zone on Wednesday to extend a "loan agreement" for up to six months but EU paymaster Germany says no such deal is on offer and Athens must stick to the terms of its existing international bailout..
Stocks march on as investors pin hopes on a Greek deal
LONDON (Reuters) - Stocks continued their relentless march higher on Wednesday as investors shrugged off the protracted uncertainty surrounding Greece's debt negotiations with its creditors, pinning their hopes that a deal will be reached by the end of the week..
Son of California ex-governor Schwarzenegger involved in road run-in: police
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The eldest son of California's ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and journalist Maria Shriver was struck in his car in Los Angeles during a confrontation with another driver, but was not hurt, police said on Tuesday..
Formula One's rules revolution will have to wait
LONDON (Reuters) - Formula One's next rules revolution will have to wait until at least 2017 after a meeting in Geneva on Tuesday voted against significant technical change before then..
China's WeChat sends a message to Line and Kakao in their home turf
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Mobile messaging apps Line and Kakao Talk are busy trying to conquer overseas markets such as Southeast Asia and India. But they may do well to keep a close eye on their home turf of Japan and South Korea as China's WeChat amasses more users..
In a first for a fish, Oregon chub removed from endangered list
PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) - For the first time, a fish has been removed from U.S. Endangered Species Act protection as federal officials declared on Tuesday that a tiny shimmering minnow found only in an Oregon valley was no longer in danger of extinction..
Beagle named Miss P wins 139th Westminster dog show
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A bouncy 15-inch beagle named Miss P won the top honor at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday, besting more than 2,700 competitors..
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