
Reuters Technology Report: June 5, 2015

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Friday, June 5, 2015
Data hacked from federal government dates back to 1985: U.S. official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Data stolen from U.S. government computers by suspected Chinese hackers included security clearance information and background checks dating back three decades, U.S. officials said on Friday, underlining the scope of one of the largest known cyber attacks on federal networks.
Ellen Pao sought $2.7 million to settle Kleiner lawsuit - filing
(Reuters) - Ellen Pao, a former partner at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers, sought a $2.7 million settlement after a jury rejected her claims that the venture capital firm discriminated against her, according to a court filing on Friday.
Medical data, cybercriminals' holy grail, now espionage target
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Whoever was behind the latest theft of personal data from U.S. government computers, they appear to be following a new trend set by cybercriminals: targeting increasingly valuable medical records and personnel files.
Iranian entrepreneurs thirst for foreign funding, expertise
BERLIN (Reuters) - Tohid Tasoujian is a co-founder of online fashion store Taxi Moda and one of a growing breed of Internet entrepreneurs in sanctions-hit Iran.
Amazon, Google race to get your DNA into the cloud
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc is in a race against Google Inc to store data on human DNA, seeking both bragging rights in helping scientists make new medical discoveries and market share in a business that may be worth $1 billion a year by 2018.
Charter tells FCC net neutrality has not affected its investments
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. net neutrality regulations have not affected how Charter Communications Inc invests in building its telecoms networks, Chief Executive Tom Rutledge told Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler this week.
Vodafone in talks with Liberty Global on asset swap, not merger
LONDON (Reuters) - Vodafone, the world's second biggest mobile company, said it is in early talks about exchanging selected assets with Europe's largest cable operator Liberty Global, which could enable each to better compete with rivals.
New U.N. climate fund to take risks to promote green tech
OSLO (Reuters) - A new United Nations fund set up to help developing nations tackle climate change will take bigger risks than many international lenders to promote innovative green technologies, the head of the fund said on Friday.
Exclusive: In 'year of Apple Pay', many top retailers remain skeptical
CHICAGO (Reuters) - In a January earnings call with investors, Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook made a confident prediction: "2015 will be the year of Apple Pay," he said.
eBay for stock-pickers: trading tips for sale online
LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland-based investment strategist Russell Napier gave up his high-powered finance job as a star analyst bankrolled by a big-name broker in order to go it alone last year.
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