
Reuters Technology Report: June 9, 2015

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Exclusive: Facebook earns 51 percent of ad revenue overseas - executives
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Overseas markets bring in more advertising revenue than the United States for Facebook Inc, amounting to 51 percent of global ad sales in the first quarter, with growth in Asia the fastest in the world at 57 percent, company executives told Reuters.
Exclusive: U.S. tech industry appeals to Obama to keep hands off encryption
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. tech companies are warning the Obama administration against imposing new policies that the companies say would weaken increasingly sophisticated encryption systems designed to protect consumers' privacy.
Exclusive: A400M probe focuses on impact of accidental data wipe
PARIS (Reuters) - A tiny piece of data needed to run the West's largest turboprop engines is at the center of a complex chain of events under scrutiny following an Airbus A400M military plane crash last month, several people familiar with the matter said.
Audi CEO's privacy appeal takes aim at Google's car push
BERLIN (Reuters) - Volkswagen's Audi will take a stringent line on guarding customers' data, the carmaker's chief executive said on Tuesday, in a thinly veiled swipe at new rival Google Inc..
Intel pledges $125 million for start-ups that back women, minorities
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Following up on its earlier pledge to spend $300 million over the next five years to improve diversity, Intel Corp promised more on Tuesday, this time to back companies with women and minorities in leadership roles.
Sony aims for more clients, 20 percent sales growth in image sensors
TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp aims to diversify its client base for image sensors beyond top customer Apple Inc, even as it expects orders from the iPhone maker to help lift sales about 20 percent this fiscal year, a senior executive said on Tuesday.
High-tech extortion attacks nearly doubled in first quarter, report says
BERLIN (Reuters) - High-tech extortion schemes nearly doubled in the first three months of 2015, while attacks on Adobe Flash software used in streaming media and casual game sites quadrupled, a global report said on Tuesday.
Australian web provider iiNet in possible database hacking
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Internet provider iiNet Ltd has urged more than 30,000 customers to change their passwords after claims emerged online that hackers had been attempting to sell personal information stolen from one of the firm's databases.
Israeli start-up spins web of deception to foil hackers
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli start-up Illusive Networks says it can foil cyber hackers by lulling them into thinking they have found a way to steal data, which is actually fake.
Austria becomes battleground in fight over mobile mergers
VIENNA/PARIS (Reuters) - When the number of mobile network operators competing in Austria was cut by a merger from four to three in January 2013 it was seen as an important test case just as a deal-making frenzy was about to break out among telecoms firms across Europe.
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