
Reuters Morning Digest: July 10, 2015

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Friday, July 10, 2015
Exclusive: With feds slow to act, states target e-cigarette sales to minors
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Frustrated by the slow pace of federal action, state attorneys general are waging their own campaigns against the sale and advertising of e-cigarettes to minors.
Greek PM Tsipras seeks party backing after abrupt concessions
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras appealed to his party's lawmakers on Friday to back a tough reforms package after abruptly offering last-minute concessions to try to save the country from financial meltdown.
Harper Lee's new novel big as 'Harry Potter' in Amazon pre-orders
NEW YORK (Reuters) - "Go Set a Watchman," the much-anticipated second novel by "To Kill a Mockingbird" author Harper Lee, is the most pre-ordered print title on Amazon.com since the last book in the "Harry Potter" series, Amazon said on Thursday.
Buzzkill: global warming shrinks range of pollinating bumblebees
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Global warming is shrinking the terrain where bumblebees live in North America and Europe, with these vital pollinators departing the southernmost and hottest parts of their ranges while failing to move north into cooler climes, scientists say.
Adidas CEO favors UEFA chief Platini as next FIFA boss: Focus
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Adidas Chief Executive Herbert Hainer said he favored European soccer chief Michel Platini to succeed embattled FIFA President Sepp Blatter, according to a German magazine.
Forrest Gump-inspired runner trying to cross U.S. in 100 days
DETROIT (Reuters) - Barclay Oudersluys had competed in triathlons and ultramarathons but he wanted to do something bigger, so the Michigan native took a cue from his favorite movie.
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Greece must leave the euro, but it takes the United States of Europe with it
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