
Morning Digest: Divers join AirAsia wreck hunt, but no sign of black box

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Divers join AirAsia wreck hunt, but no sign of black box
PANGKALAN BUN/JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) - Search teams including divers took advantage of a let-up in bad weather on Tuesday to try to reach the wreckage of an AirAsia jet, but nine days after the plane crashed officials said there was still no sign of the crucial black box flight recorders..
China arrests scholar who helped blind dissident flee house arrest
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese authorities have arrested a scholar who helped blind dissident Chen Guangcheng escape house arrest in 2012, the scholar's wife said on Tuesday, in a case that activists say signals a tighter grip on civil liberties..
Oil drama drives shares lower in Asia and Europe
LONDON (Reuters) - European shares sank for a third day on Tuesday as a slide in oil prices showed no sign of easing off, supporting traditional safe-haven assets such as top-rated government bonds, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc..
'Birdman,' 'Boyhood,' small films vie for Producers Guild Award
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Birdman" and "Boyhood," two of the front-runners for Hollywood's film honors this year, were nominated along with a slew of small movies on Monday for the top Producers Guild Award, a reliable predictor of the best picture Oscar..
Cavs, Thunder, Knicks in six-player trade
(Reuters) - The Cleveland Cavaliers, Oklahoma City Thunder and New York Knicks completed a three-team trade involving six players on Monday, with the injury-hit Cavs (19-16) acquiring guards Iman Shumpert and J.R. Smith from the Knicks..
Bitcoin exchange Bitstamp suspends service after security breach
(Reuters) - Bitstamp, one of the largest exchanges for trading the digital bitcoin currency, said it has temporarily suspended service after "some" of its "operational wallets were compromised" on Sunday, resulting in loss of about 19,000 bitcoins..
U.S. GAO rejects protest of space taxi deal with Boeing, SpaceX
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (Reuters) - The Government Accountability Office rejected Sierra Nevada Corp's protest of $6.8 billion in contracts NASA awarded to Boeing Co BA.N and Space Exploration Technologies to develop and fly commercial space taxis, the congressional watchdog agency said on Monday..
How to age gracefully? Ask a bowhead whale
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - To learn the secret behind aging gracefully, you may want to check out the bowhead whale, the majestic denizen of the Arctic waters that boasts a lifespan topping 200 years..
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