
Morning Digest: French policewoman killed in shoot-out, hunt deepens for militant killers

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French policewoman killed in shoot-out, hunt deepens for militant killers
PARIS (Reuters) - A policewoman was killed in a shootout in southern Paris on Thursday, triggering searches in the area as the manhunt widened for two brothers suspected of killing 12 people at a satirical magazine in an apparent Islamist militant strike..
Divers search wreckage of AirAsia jet's tail for black boxes
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Scores of divers plunged into the Java Sea on Thursday to search the wreckage of an AirAsia jet for the black box recorders that could reveal why the plane crashed, Indonesia's search and rescue agency said..
Global stocks and dollar rise after Fed, euro near 9-year low
LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar hit a new 9-year high and stocks worldwide headed for their first back-to-back rise of the year on Thursday, as a confident sounding Federal Reserve added to hopes of aggressive new stimulus this month from the European Central Bank..
Superheroes triumph at People's Choice awards
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The people have spoken and superheroes continue to rule the movie pack, as Captain America, Iron Man and Batman were among the top winners at the People's Choice awards on Wednesday..
Cooperstown's Class of 2015 reflects diversity in game
NEW YORK (Reuters) - From tallest to shortest, from a hybrid starter/reliever to a versatile regular who went from catcher to infield to outfield, the Hall of Fame Class of 2015 embodies the diversity that is part of baseball's appeal..
China dating app helps gay men banish the blues - and AIDS
BEIJING (Reuters) - Hua Ruobin started using Blued two years ago to meet other gay men in China, setting up weekend dinners or dates in karaoke bars..
SpaceX rocket launch, and landing test, reset for Saturday
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (Reuters) - Space Exploration Technologies will try again Saturday to launch a Falcon 9 rocket carrying a cargo capsule for the International Space Station, then attempt to land the discarded booster on a platform in the ocean, officials said on Wednesday..
Zimbabwe's own-label dollar coins face consumer resistance
HARARE (Reuters) - Nobody wanted the Zimbabwe dollar, so the southern African country dumped it for the U.S. dollar in 2009 to stave off economic collapse and sky-rocketing hyperinflation..
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