
Morning Digest: Tsipras to form anti-bailout Greek government after big victory

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Tsipras to form anti-bailout Greek government after big victory
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek leftwing leader Alexis Tsipras struck a deal with a right-wing party to form a government to confront international lenders and reverse years of painful austerity following a crushing election victory by his Syriza party..
Seven Ukrainian soldiers killed in past 24 hours: Kiev military
KIEV (Reuters) - Seven Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and 24 wounded in fighting in separatist eastern territories in the past 24 hours, Kiev military spokesman Vladislav Seleznyov said on Monday..
European markets shake off Syriza win in Greece
LONDON (Reuters) - The euro and European shares and bonds shook off worries on Monday over Greek election winner Syriza's pledge to take on international lenders, a strong sign of confidence in the ECB's new money-printing programme..
Actors endorse showbiz satire 'Birdman' in march toward Oscars
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Birdman," a satirical film about acting in the unforgiving world of show business, won top honors from Hollywood's actors on Sunday in an important show of support for its march toward the best picture Oscar..
Evergreen Venus upsets Radwanska in Melbourne
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Venus Williams advanced into her first grand slam quarter-final since the 2010 U.S. Open with an upset 6-3 2-6 6-1 victory over sixth seed Agnieszka Radwanska at the Australian Open on Monday..
Turkish court orders Facebook to block pages insulting Mohammad: media
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court has ordered Facebook to block a number of pages deemed insulting to the Prophet Mohammad, threatening to stop access to the whole social networking site if it does not comply, local media reported..
The upper hand: study points to early tool use by human ancestors
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Human ancestors may have been capable of using tools much earlier than previously thought..
Hoax caller impersonating spy chief put through to UK PM Cameron
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government said it was reviewing security procedures after a hoax caller claiming to be the director of Britain's GCHQ eavesdropping agency was put through to Prime Minister David Cameron..
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