
Morning Digest: Saudi Arabia acts fast on succession after king's death

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Saudi Arabia acts fast on succession after king's death
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's new King Salman appointed a grandson of the founding monarch into the line of succession for the first time on Friday, moving fast after the death of King Abdullah to quell fears of dynastic instability at a time of regional turmoil..
Islamic State deadline on Japanese captives passes with no word on fate
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan said on Friday it was still trying to secure the release of two Japanese hostages held by Islamic State militants after a deadline to pay ransom for their release passed and there was no immediate word on their fate..
Shares, bonds lifted by QE; oil up after Saudi king dies
LONDON (Reuters) - Stocks and bonds surged worldwide and the euro sank to an 11- year-low on Friday, the day after the European Central Bank announced a quantitative easing plan. Oil rose following the death of the king of Saudi Arabia..
Martin Scorsese documentary on Bill Clinton shelved: NY Times
(Reuters) - A documentary on former President Bill Clinton by veteran director Martin Scorsese has been indefinitely shelved after the sides disagreed on control of the film, the New York Times reported on Thursday..
Magic match-point helps Seppi trick stunned Federer
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Andreas Seppi's stunning upset of Roger Federer at the Australian Open on Friday was a three-hour affair but the shot that ended the Swiss's 11-year run to the semi-finals at Melbourne Park will be replayed for years to come..
China says Microsoft Outlook hacking allegations 'groundless'
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Allegations that Chinese authorities hacked into Microsoft Corp's Outlook email service are "groundless slander", the official Xinhua news agency quoted Beijing's cyberspace regulator as saying late on Thursday..
Rosetta spacecraft raises new questions about comet's origin
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - Scientists using Europe's comet-orbiting Rosetta spacecraft have discovered that the complicated ancient body is coated with surprisingly simple organic molecules and surrounded by a changing cloud of gases, according to new research released on Thursday..
Death by chocolate: a problem for bears in New Hampshire
BOSTON (Reuters) - New Hampshire wildlife officials are drawing up a proposal to curb the use of chocolate as bait by hunters seeking to draw black bears out of the woods after four of the wild animals were found dead at a trapping site from an overdose of the treat..
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