
Reuters Morning Digest: November 11, 2015

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
AB InBev launches SAB bid, to sell MillerCoors stake
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world's biggest brewer, launched its $100 billion-plus offer for nearest rival SABMiller on Wednesday and agreed to sell the latter's stake in U.S. venture MillerCoors in a bid to win regulatory approval.
China says up to Philippines to heal rift over South China Sea case
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the Philippines' case against China at an arbitration tribunal over rival claims in the South China Sea had strained relations and that it was up to the Philippines to heal the rift.
Welcome to Facebook, Taiwan poll candidate tells Chinese as posts flood in
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of posts apparently from China have flooded Taiwan presidential election front runner Tsai Ing-wen's Facebook account, demanding that the island return to China - and her response on Wednesday was to welcome mainland interest in democracy.
Drug industry bemoans Britain's lack of science skills
LONDON (Reuters) - British pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies face a major skills shortage which threatens future investment and the long-term success of the life sciences sector, according to a new industry report.
Russian athletics doping row could spread to other sports
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The international investigation into alleged drug cheating inside Russian athletics could draw in other Russian sports since they used the same laboratory that now stands accused of covering up failed drugs tests.
New Orleans pianist Allen Toussaint, 77, dies in Spain
MADRID (Reuters) - Allen Toussaint, one of the legendary names of New Orleans music, has died in Madrid at the age of 77.
UFO off California? Streaking light was missile test, Pentagon says
(Reuters) - Social media lit up on Saturday night with reports of streaking lights across the skies from California to Arizona, but the phenomenon turned out to be a Navy missile test flight launched off the southern California coast, the Pentagon said.
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Cybersecurity treaties may be nice, but it's really every country for itself
Allen Toussaint and me
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