
Reuters Technology Report: November 20, 2015

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Friday, November 20, 2015
Apple wins patent trial against Pendrell subsidiary
MARSHALL, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. jury on Friday found Apple Inc did not infringe five antipiracy patents owned by a Pendrell Corp subsidiary at trial in a Texas federal court.
Dorsey's Square jumps in market debut, offering hope to tech startups
(Reuters) - Shares of Square Inc, the mobile payments company co-founded and still run by Twitter Inc Chief Executive Jack Dorsey, soared as much as 64 percent in their market debut, following a marked-down initial public offering, countering the negative sentiment that has nagged at Silicon Valley startups in recent weeks.
FAA task force to recommend drone registry
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Federal Aviation Administration task force will submit recommendations for registering drone operators on Saturday, setting the stage for regulators next month to propose regulations intended to help reverse a surge in rogue drone flights.
Snapchat's lackluster ad business threatens $16 billion valuation
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Snapchat, maker of a free mobile app that lets users send videos and messages that disappear in seconds, is struggling to gain traction with advertisers, fuelling investor concern that its $16 billion valuation isn't justified by a business that hasn't yet shown it has a steady source of income.
Pericom shareholders approve Diodes bid
(Reuters) - Chipmaker Pericom Semiconductor Corp shareholders approved Diodes Inc's $413 million bid, rejecting Chinese company Montage Technology's higher offer.
Google aims for China launch of Google Play app store next year -sources
BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Google, part of Alphabet Inc , aims to launch the China version of its Google Play smartphone app store next year, according to people familiar with the matter, its first major foray in the market since ending localized product support in 2010.
Some Starwood Hotels payment systems hit by malware
(Reuters) - Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc said payment systems at 54 of its hotels in North America had been infected with a malware designed to collect payment card data.
EU steps up controls on bitcoin, pre-paid cards to curb terrorist funds
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will increase controls on pre-paid cards, money remittances and bitcoin in a bid to curb terrorism funding after the attacks in Paris that killed 129 people.
Intel warns that U.S. regulation could drive drone R&D overseas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Intel Corp could relocate its drone research and development operations overseas if the federal government adopts an "overly prescriptive" approach to unmanned aerial systems technology, an Intel executive told U.S. lawmakers on Thursday.
Tech group rejects post-Paris call for data encryption 'backdoors'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading U.S.-based technology industry group on Thursday, in its first statement since last week's Paris attacks, rejected calls to give U.S. law enforcement authorities backdoor keys to let them circumvent encryption technology for cellphones.
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