
Reuters Morning Digest: November 27, 2015

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Friday, November 27, 2015
Clinton wins union endorsements but still struggles to win over hearts
NEW YORK (Reuters) - California nurse Katy Roemer remembers how at the height of the Ebola crisis last year, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders marched arm-in-arm with union workers as they fought for hazmat suits and other protections to treat patients with infectious diseases.
Poland says pirates attacked Polish ship off Nigeria coast
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland's Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said on Friday that a Polish cargo ship under the Cyprus flag was attacked off the coast of Nigeria by pirates, who kidnapped five members of the crew, including the captain and officers.
Pilots' union confident of deal to join Lufthansa jobs summit: document
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German pilots union Vereinigung Cockpit is confident it can come to a deal that will allow it to take part in a round table organized by Lufthansa management in a bid to defuse tensions with unions over job and growth prospects.
German court says ISPs may have to block music-sharing sites
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's highest court said Internet service providers could be made responsible for blocking websites offering illegal music downloads, but only if copyright holders showed they had first made reasonable attempts to thwart such piracy by other means.
Drug driving suit mimics taking the wheel stoned
A simulation suit that mimics the effects on wearer's reactions of taking illegal substances has been developed by scientists to show young drivers the dangers of getting behind the wheel while intoxicated by drugs.
Coe quits ambassadorial role with Nike
MONACO (Reuters) - Sebastian Coe is stepping down from his ambassadorial role with Nike, the IAAF president said on Thursday.
Miss World Canada prevented from reaching China pageant
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Canada's China-born Miss World contestant was stopped in Hong Kong on Thursday and denied permission to board a flight to the beauty pageant finals in China, a move she said was punishment for speaking out against human rights abuses in the country.
Broad smiles and enduring spirit at Holocaust survivors' beauty contest
HAIFA, Israel (Reuters) - To the strains of Madonna's "Vogue", the 13 women with a combined age of about 1,050 strutted down the runway cautiously, hindered only slightly by walking sticks and the odd dodgy hip.
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