
Reuters Morning Digest: November 24, 2015

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Turkey downs Russian warplane near Syria border, Moscow denies airspace violation
ANKARA/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Turkish fighter jets shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border on Tuesday after repeated warnings over air space violations, but Moscow said it could prove the jet had not left Syrian air space.
UNHCR decries restrictions on refugees, upholds right to asylum
GENEVA (Reuters) - About 1,000 refugees and migrants are stuck at the main crossing point into Macedonia from Greece as authorities deny entry to some nationalities in contravention of international law, the United Nations said on Tuesday.
Pfizer to buy Allergan in $160 billion deal
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc on Monday said it would buy Botox maker Allergan Plc in a deal worth $160 billion to slash its U.S. tax bill, rekindling a fierce political debate over the financial maneuver.
Sassy woman or machine? Tech giants divided over digital assistants
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When users ask Siri, Apple's digital assistant, what she likes to drink, she is quick with an answer.
Scientists create mosquito strain with malaria-blocking genes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists aiming to take the bite out of malaria have produced a strain of mosquitoes carrying genes that block its transmission, with the idea that they could breed with other members of their species in the wild and produce offspring that cannot spread the disease.
Legalise drugs in sport, says world title challenger Fury
LONDON (Reuters) - Tyson Fury, the British heavyweight boxer who fights for the world title in Germany on Saturday, says boxing has a "big problem" with doping and that the only way to combat it is to make drugs legal in all sports.
Bolshoi acid attack, ballet's underbelly examined in HBO documentary
LONDON (Reuters) - Sergei Filin, the Russian ballet director who was partially blinded in a 2013 acid attack, is the focus of the behind-the-scenes HBO documentary "Bolshoi Babylon" that shows the flipside of a world most people associate with glamor and beauty.
UK wife who poisoned husband is foiled by spelling mistake
LONDON (Reuters) - A British woman who tried to kill her husband by poisoning his Christmas drink of sparkling fruit wine with anti-freeze was jailed for 15 years on Monday after being undone by a spelling mistake and a trail of text messages.
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