
Reuters Technology Report: November 27, 2015

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Friday, November 27, 2015
EU wants to give national privacy regulators more clout in new U.S. data pact
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union wants to enhance the power of the bloc's national privacy regulators in policing a planned new EU-U.S. data pact after the previous one was struck down by a top EU court on concerns about mass U.S. surveillance.
NSA to shut down bulk phone surveillance program by Sunday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. National Security Agency will end its daily vacuuming of millions of Americans' phone records by Sunday and replace the practice with more tightly targeted surveillance methods, the Obama administration said on Friday.
Musk's Tesla faces German battle over battery-powered homes
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - If Elon Musk's vision of millions of households producing all their own power becomes a reality, it will probably happen first in Germany. But he will face a battle for market share against local firms with years of experience in renewable energy.
Microsoft's Gates to start multi-billion-dollar clean tech initiative
NEW YORK/PARIS (Reuters) - Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch a multi-billion-dollar clean energy research and development initiative with heads of state on Monday, the opening day of the U.N. climate change summit in Paris, the French government said Friday.
Cymmetria hires former U.S. government cyber official Jim Christy
(Reuters) - Computer security startup Cymmetria has hired a well-known retired U.S. government computer-forensics expert, Jim Christy, as vice president of investigations and digital forensics.
German court says ISPs may have to block music-sharing sites
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's highest court said Internet service providers could be made responsible for blocking websites offering illegal music downloads, but only if copyright holders showed they had first made reasonable attempts to thwart such piracy by other means.
Britons head online in hunt for Black Friday bargains
LONDON (Reuters) - Britons splashed out on "Black Friday" bargains on Friday but many opted to go online rather than head to the shops for an event imported from the United States that has become a key feature of the UK retail calendar.
Thanksgiving shopping crowds 'good not great'; online sales strong
PITTSBURGH/CHICAGO (Reuters) - Retailers across the United States offered early Black Friday discounts to lure bargain-hunters on Thanksgiving eve, but initial checks showed crowds in brick-and-mortar stores were subdued even as online sales jumped.
Yelp prevails in lawsuit over authenticity of its reviews
(Reuters) - Yelp Inc won the dismissal of a lawsuit by shareholders who claimed they were fraudulently misled about the authenticity and quality of its reviews, and whether Yelp manipulated those reviews to favor paying advertisers.
Thai PM says 4G auction funds will be spent on infrastructure, farmers
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand's prime minister said on Thursday that $2.26 billion raised from a 4G mobile license auction would be used to fund infrastructure projects and to help low-income people, including farmers.
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