
Morning Digest: CIA tortured, misled, U.S. report finds, drawing calls for action

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CIA tortured, misled, U.S. report finds, drawing calls for action
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA misled the White House and public about its torture of detainees after the Sept. 11 attacks and acted more brutally and pervasively than it acknowledged, a U.S. Senate report said on Tuesday, drawing calls to prosecute American officials..
Kerry urges flexibility in U.S. war powers against Islamic State
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any congressional authorization of U.S. military force against Islamic State should be flexible and not limit the fight to Iraq and Syria, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday..
Stocks up on hopes of China policy easing, Greece stirs concern
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices were anchored at a five-year low on Wednesday and European stocks recovered from the previous day's selloff after a similar rebound in Chinese shares prompted by hopes that weak inflation will bring more monetary policy easing in China..
Sondheim "Assassins" revival hits the mark in London
LONDON (Reuters) - A hush comes over the audience when one of the actors slowly revolves full circle while aiming a pistol at spectators in a revival of Stephen Sondheim's 1990 musical "Assassins" at an intimate London theater-in-the-round..
South Africa prosecutors win bid to appeal Pistorius conviction
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African prosecutors on Wednesday won their bid to appeal the culpable homicide verdict handed down to Olympic and Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and will now seek a murder conviction..
GungHo to launch 'Puzzle & Dragons' in China with Tencent
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese smartphone app maker GungHo Online Entertainment said it would launch its hit game "Puzzle & Dragons" in China through a partnership with Tencent ..
Orbital Sciences turns to Atlas as it regroups from rocket explosion
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - Sidelined by a rocket explosion in October, Orbital Sciences will buy a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 booster to launch its next International Space Station cargo ship for NASA, officials said on Tuesday..
Venezuela finds $3 million stashed in truck shipped in from Miami
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela has uncovered at least $3 million in cash hidden under the false bottom of a Ford truck that arrived on a Lebanese-flagged ship from Miami..
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Great Debate

#BlackLivesMatter: How the world sees Eric Garner, Michael Brown cases
To deter U.S. from torturing again, those involved should be prosecuted
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