
Morning Digest: Sony puts 'The Interview' on YouTube, other digital platforms

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Sony puts 'The Interview' on YouTube, other digital platforms
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "The Interview," the provocative comedy that triggered a devastating cyberattack on Sony Pictures, went straight to U.S. consumers on Wednesday in an unprecedented online debut after hacker threats prevented its wide release on Christmas day..
Islamic State captures Jordanian pilot after warplane crashes in Syria
AMMAN (Reuters) - Islamic State fighters took a Jordanian pilot prisoner after his warplane came down in northeast Syria on Wednesday, the first captive taken from the U.S.-led coalition battling the jihadi group..
U.S. retailers likely to just meet holiday sales forecasts: experts
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. consumers have not turned out in force for the final shopping days before Christmas, suggesting that traditional retailers will just meet industry sales forecasts in a season marked by deep discounts and growing encroachment from online rivals led by Amazon.com Inc ..
Jackie Chan says feels ashamed of son's drug abuse
BEIJING (Reuters) - Hong Kong kung fu movie star Jackie Chan feels ashamed of his son's drug abuse and hopes that one day he will speak out about the dangers of taking drugs, state news agency Xinhua reported..
Cavs lose Brazilian Varejao for season with Achilles tear
(Reuters) - The Cleveland Cavaliers will be without Anderson Varejao for the rest of season after the Brazilian center tore his left Achilles tendon the National Basketball Association team said on Wednesday..
Facebook must face lawsuit over scanning of users' messages: judge
(Reuters) - Facebook Inc must face a class action lawsuit accusing it of violating its users' privacy by scanning the content of messages they send to other users for advertising purposes, a U.S. judge has ruled..
Disgraced Japan researcher fails to replicate 'game changing' stem cell results
TOKYO (Reuters) - A disgraced Japanese researcher has failed to replicate results hailed as a potential breakthrough in stem-cell treatment and efforts to do so will be abandoned, officials at her research institute said on Friday..
Ceiling collapse exposes Chinese panty thief
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese man who stole hundreds of pieces of ladies' underwear had his secret exposed after an emergency exit ceiling where he had been storing his hoard collapsed, state media reported..
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