
Morning Digest: In plot reversal, Sony sends 'The Interview' to 200 theaters

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In plot reversal, Sony sends 'The Interview' to 200 theaters
LOS ANGELES/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sony Pictures will allow "The Interview" to play in more than 200 U.S. theaters as of Christmas Day, reversing its decision to pull the film, after coming under criticism from President Barack Obama and others for caving into pressure from North Korea..
Russia says NATO turning Ukraine into 'frontline of confrontation'
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow said on Wednesday Kiev's decision to give up its neutral status and seek closer ties with NATO was a result of pressure from the Atlantic bloc, which wanted to turn Ukraine into a "front line of confrontation"..
Global stocks rise, dollar strong as U.S. growth lifts holiday mood
LONDON (Reuters) - The strongest growth for the world's largest economy in over a decade meant there was plenty of pre-Christmas cheer in global markets on Wednesday, as stocks continued their strong run and the dollar hovered at an 8-1/2 year high..
'Star Trek 3' film to open in U.S. theaters in July 2016
NEW YORK (Reuters) - "Star Trek 3," the latest film in the intergalactic franchise featuring Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise, will open in U.S. theaters on July 8, 2016, Paramount Pictures said on Tuesday..
Struggling coaches gird for Black Monday
(Reuters) - Six teams head into Week 17 of the National Football League with a last chance to reach the Super Bowl tournament, while half a dozen head coaches may be facing their last game with axes poised to fall on Black Monday..
Japan, wary of North Korea, works to secure infrastructure after Sony attack
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan, fearing it could be a soft target for possible North Korean cyberattacks in the escalating row over the Sony Pictures hack, has begun working to ensure basic infrastructure is safe and to formulate its diplomatic response, officials said..
Disgraced Japan researcher fails to replicate 'game changing' stem cell results
TOKYO (Reuters) - A disgraced Japanese researcher has failed to replicate results hailed as a potential breakthrough in stem-cell treatment and efforts to do so will be abandoned, officials at her research institute said on Friday..
Ceiling collapse exposes Chinese panty thief
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese man who stole hundreds of pieces of ladies' underwear had his secret exposed after an emergency exit ceiling where he had been storing his hoard collapsed, state media reported..
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